[UPDATE] How to prepare your toddler for their first long distance road trip

It’s quite intimidating to think of packing a toddler - a crawling, talking bundle of energy - into a car for a long road trip. Megan MacDonald, Head of Marketing and PR   at Suzuki SA, successfully navigated long journeys with toddlers, raising two of them to happy young adulthood. Here, she shares her expert advice on ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable road trip with the under 5s.

  1. EASILY ACCESSIBLE OUTFIT CHANGES:  Don't risk meltdowns due to spilt snacks or messy accidents. Keep spare clothes easily accessible at the top of the other luggage so you can grab them in an emergency - and remember your wet wipes.
  2. ENTERTAINMENT ON THE GO: In Megan’s experience, little kids love being read to. Engage your little one with their favourite books, audiobooks and podcasts. Consider a series to keep them captivated throughout the journey, and Spotify or Google Podcasts, have many free options for both.
  3. MUSICAL DISTRACTIONS: Keep the road trip enjoyable by downloading their preferred music or favouriting the playlist on an audio tool like Spotify. A current favourite is musician Charlie Hope, who has a sweet voice and calming songs. The familiar tunes will keep their mood upbeat and make the journey pleasant for everyone.
  4. SNACKS AT HAND: Keep their favourite snacks within reach to stave off hunger and crankiness.  A little something to munch on will make anyone happier. Try to bring in things with texture, like chips or dried fruit, and have a water bottle around too. Personally, I love the snack box hack.
  5.  HYDRATION IS KEY: It’s easy to forget, but water is really essential for a long trip in a hot car (even if you have climate control). 
  6. STRATEGIC BATHROOM BREAKS: With not much self-control and smelly nappies in tow, planning where to take your little one for a bathroom break will become very important. Knowing where to find clean and convenient facilities is crucial for a stress-free trip. I also find that the chance to stretch the legs, run around a bit and have some fun, is a great way to let out steam before another long stretch in the car.   
  7. FUN TOYS: We can’t emphasise enough how much you need to entertain them. Pack a variety of toys to keep boredom at bay.  We love the car-safe Melissa and Doug Water Wow books which magically colour the page with fun water pens.

With these tips, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of travelling with a toddler, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable road trip for the whole family. 

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